
Parry Carry's Fiora Guide

Fiora, the Grand Duelist
The most feared duelist in all Valoran, Fiora is as renowned for her brusque manner and cunning mind as she is for the speed of her bluesteel rapier. Born to House Laurent in the kingdom of Demacia, Fiora took control of the family from her father in the wake of a scandal that nearly destroyed them. House Laurent's reputation was sundered, but Fiora bends her every effort to restore her family's honor and return them to their rightful place among the great and good of Demacia.
  • Outplays Feel So Rewarding
  • Becomes A Monster With Early Kills
  • Strong Split Pusher
  • Strong True Damage Late Game
  • High Mobility And Outplay Potential
  • Extremely Squishy
  • Hit or Miss Laning Phase
  • Unfun Ranged/Poke Matchups
  • Super Feast Or Famine
  • Terrible Team Fighter
  • Loses To Tanks If Behind
Summoner SpellsMost MatchupsSituationalAbilities
P - Duelist's DanceDuelist's Dance deals 3% of Fiora's opponent's maximum health in True Damage when hitting Vitals, and gains 5.5% per 100 Bonus Attack Damage. Duelist's Dance is a scaling passive that requires Attack Damage, and if Fiora doesn't have her items, she will be doing low damage.Vitals have a very clear pattern for respawning. Each vital has a 50/50 chance to spawn in a specific direction, they never deviate from this. This will help you in your pathing when hitting vitals. In the video, Fiora hits a bottom vital, and it spawns another at the right, but she walked to the left. If it was at the top, it wouldn't matter so much, but since it spawned at the right, she had to travel further to hit it. These are the little things that will be the difference between a kill or not.
  • Top → Bottom or Left → Path towards the left side
  • Left → Right or Top → Path towards the top side
  • Right → Left or Bottom → Path towards the bottom side
  • Bottom → Top or Right → Path towards the right side
Q - LungeLunge should typically be the first ability to grab and max. When Fiora uses Lunge, it is mainly to poke Vitals, gap close, running from an ambush, or for positioning purposes. The cooldown and scaling are very important to getting the most benefit from Lunge. With damage increases from masteries and dragon buffs, Lunge will be the best way to catch an enemy off guard with pokes.Lunge prioritizes in order of:
  • Nearest Vital formed by Grand Challenge facing Fiora
  • Nearest Vital facing Fiora
  • Nearest champion that would die to the strike
  • Nearest non-champion that would die to the strike
  • Nearest champion
  • Nearest non-champion
  • Nearest Structures
  • Nearest Wards
W - RiposteRiposte should be the second ability to grab, but the third to max. This is Fiora's outplay tool. If Fiora fails her Riposte, she can die to her lane opponent, die to an ambush, or even lose lane altogether. It is best to save Riposte for any form of Crowd Control that may give Fiora or the enemy an upper hand in the duel. Riposte should be used for it's stun, of course, but it is not a bad idea to use it as an Attack Speed and Movement Speed slow as well. Not all champions have Crowd Control that can be reflected, and sometimes Fiora wants to reflect a burst of damage for maximum efficiency.It is possible to Lunge Riposte. Fiora will Lunge in a direction, and at the same time use Riposte in another direction. Riposte will adjust to the new direction, allowing Fiora to pull off some unique ways of redirecting Crowd Control, or dodging any Crowd Control in favor of the more jarring cripple.E - BladeworkBladework should be the third ability to grab, but the second to max. This is Fiora's auto-cancelling tool. The slow is inconsequential after laning phase, but is pretty decent early on in lane. Fiora maxes Bladework second because the increase in critical damage offers a lot of damage to Fiora's trades, and helps get kills on the enemy. The low cooldown on Bladework means Fiora can take towers faster with the auto-cancel mechanic, or get the most efficient damage onto an enemy.R - Grand ChallengeGrand Challenge will naturally be grabbed at level 6, level 11, and level 16. Fiora's ultimate is pretty self explanatory, where she gains Movement Speed while near the target of Grand Challenge, and does a lot of True Damage to the champion with this debuff. The healing field requires either hitting all Vitals, which requires precision and discipline to achieve in less than 8 seconds, or if her target dies with at least one Vital hit.This is down to quick fingers and precise clicking. It is very easy to accidentally ruin Fiora's chances of completing the challenge. If it is possible to mess up on a stationary target, just because of poor clicking, just imagine how hard it is on someone who is running away.But practice makes perfect. Riot Games has provided a practice tool to help everyone get better at someone like the Grand Duelist. Eventually, it becomes much easier to stop mistakes from happening, but it takes time. The best can mess up too, it's only human to fail.Known Bugs
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