
Parry Carry's Fiora Guide

Full BuildStartersConsumablesBootsEpicLegendaryMythicCaulfield's Warhammer
  • This builds into Chempunk Chainsword, Essence Reaver, Manamune, Divine Sunderer, Death's Dance, Black Cleaver, and Ravenous Hydra
  • This item is the best component when buying all of these items, but always takes second priority
Chain Vest
  • This builds into Guardian Angel and Death's Dance
  • This item is more viable to buy than Stopwatch or Pickaxe for these two items respectively because Armor is hard to come by
Executioner's Calling
  • This builds into Chempunk Chainsword
  • This item is crucial into healing heavy enemies and can be bought before completing second item
Giant's Belt
  • This builds into Anathema's Chains and Titanic Hydra
  • This item is not bad, but Fiora generally doesn't buy this over Attack Damage components
Hearthbound Axe
  • This builds into Wit's End, Stridebreaker, and Trinity Force
  • This is a great Epic item, better than old Phage
  • This builds into Maw of Malmortius
  • This item is typically bought into burst Magic Damage or dot Magic Damage enemies, unless Fiora bought another Lifeline item
Ironspike Whip
  • This builds into Goredrinker and Stridebreaker
  • Fiora wants to buy this early if she intends on buying one of it's Mythics
  • This builds into Anathema's Chains, Black Cleaver, Goredrinker, Stridebreaker, Divine Sunderer, Trinity Force, and Spirit Visage
  • This item feels bad to complete because it lacks Attack Damage, only as last resort buy when not enough gold to complete full item
Last Whisper
  • This builds into Serylda's Grudge
  • This item is never bought, Fiora already has built in True Damage, she doesn't need Armor Penetration for tanks cause her Physical Damage is extremely lacking
Negatron Cloak
  • This builds into Wit's End
  • This item is built into Magic Damage heavy enemies
  • This builds into Galeforce, Kraken Slayer, and Immortal Shieldbow
  • This item can feel good, it gives stats Fiora likes and builds from easy to buy components, just not the best completed items
  • This builds into Hullbreaker and Sterak's Gage
  • This item is typically bought first when building these items over the other components, due to the passive
Quicksilver Sash
  • This builds into Silvermere Dawn
  • This item is typically bought into Crowd Control heavy enemies
  • This builds into Guinsoo's Rageblade
  • This item only builds into one item that Fiora doesn't like
Recurve Bow
  • This builds into Blade of the Ruined King
  • This item is pretty bad for Fiora, so is never bought outright
Serrated Dirk
  • This builds into Eclipse
  • This item has lethality which is not good on Fiora, not recommended at all
  • This builds into Trinity Force, Divine Sunderer, and Essence Reaver
  • This item can decent because Fiora's passive was buffed, so she can afford to go for some on-hit damage rather than raw Attack Damage, but only into squishy enemies
Spectre's Cowl
  • This builds into Spirit Visage
  • This item feels better into magic heavy enemies, especially ones with DOT Damage, and the completed item amplifies Fiora's healing too
  • This builds into Ravenous Hydra and Titanic Hydra
  • This item is Fiora's favorite item, she lacks wave clear and this fixes that, but this item is not good in laning phase cause it prevents Fiora from freezing, so she keeps Pickaxe not upgraded if trying to create a freeze
Vampiric Scepter
  • This builds into Ravenous Hydra, Blade of the Ruined King, Eclipse, Immortal Shieldbow, and Bloodthister
  • This item is generally bought second as part of the completed items Fiora likes to buy
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